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Private Team Investigations and Novice Ghost Hunts

The Octagon Hall is widely regarded as one of the most haunted places in the South. Many of the stories of ghosts surrounding the property are associated with the Caldwell family, slaves, confederate and union soldiers. It is documented that several soldiers from both sides, never physically left this property.


Constructed in 1847, this antebellum, three-story brick home, is only one of three brick, eight-sided homes remaining in the United States. It was built as the residence of the Andrew Jackson Caldwell family, used as a Masonic meeting place as well as a Civil War field hospital. The house saw it's share of action during the war with the family and their slaves suffering heinous atrocities against them at the hands of the Union Army.


We offer two types of paranormal investigations - Private Overnight Investigations to seasoned paranormal investigation teams and Novice
Ghost Hunts.​​

Private Paranormal
Team Investigations

Overnight Paranormal Investigations are for seasoned Paranormal Investigation Teams with a minimum experience of 2 Years Experience.

  • Investigations must be scheduled at least 5 (five) days in advance.

  • Pricing for these investigations is a $500.00 minimum donation, for 2 to 6 persons. Each additional person over 6 will be an additional donation of $75.00 per person.
    10 people max.

  • All attendees must be over the age of 18 years old. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Teams have the Octagon Hall Museum from 3:00 PM CDT the date of your Investigation until 8AM CDT the next morning.

Novice Ghost Hunt

Novice Ghosts Hunts are for individuals and newer paranormal teams with under 2 years of experience.

  • All Attendee Must be over the age of 18 years old. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Purchase tickets and find more information on our Novice Hunts or Special Guest Investigations and purchase tickets for these events, under the Events page.

  • Can my team have more than 6 people on the investigation?
    Yes, the minimum 500.00 donation is for up to 6 people with an additional fee of $75.00 per person over 6. (up to a maximum of 10 people total at your investigation, and is payable at the time of booking.
  • If I book a private paranormal investigation, can I resell individual tickets to the general public?
    No. This is a private paranormal investigation, not a public event, and you can not resell or solicit ticket sales from the public.
  • Will an Octagon Hall Museum representative be on site during our investigation?
    No, Octagon Hall at its discretion or by request of the paranormal team, may furnish guides to remain on the site with you during your investigation for $100.00 per guide, payable by the paranormal team, in cash on the day of their investigation.
  • Will my team be given a tour of the musuem before our investigation?
    Yes we do provide a tour at your request.
  • What is prohibited?
    Providing false information to gain access to Octagon Hall Museum, alcohol or illegal drug use, smoking or vaping in unapproved areas, entering into restricted areas, moving furniture or objects on display, sitting, or lying on the beds. No Metal Detecting /Digging. No lighting of candles, burning of fires. purposeful damage, destruction of the OHM, and its grounds, or removal of any objects/property of Octagon Hall Museum will not be tolerated and will be subject to prosecution. Paranormal Team will refrain from performing the following, during their investigation at OHM or OHM Property. No Provoking, Always Be Respectful! No bringing-in of Haunted Items, No use of Ouija or Spirit boards, No Seance, No Human Pendulum, No Dark Magic/Rituals, No opening or closing of Portals, No Banishing, Crossing Over, or Removal, or Cleansing of Spirit Entities! or OHM and it’s property. PI agrees not to do any inappropriate behavior which is not in keeping with the serious nature of the ghost hunt.
  • Are Ouija Boards allowed?
    No use of Ouija or Spirit boards, No Seance, No Human Pendulum, No Dark Magic/Rituals
  • Can investigators sleep overnight in the museum?
    No, we are a museum, not a B&B. We don’t allow camping, or RVs on the property. If you have a designated driver, they may sleep in their vehicle if they wish. Most paranormal teams make arrangements for a hotel room when investigating at the Octagon Hall Museum. There are several available 6 miles away from the property, in Franklin, KY.
  • Is there electricity in the museum?
    Yes, and there is an inside restroom, But since we are on an old septic system, we ask that you don’t flush any paper products down the toilet. Please put them in the provided, waste paper basket.
  • Can I cancel my investigation?
    No. Your donations are Non-Refundable *Unless Octagon Hall cancels the Event. We understand there may be circumstances that may arise due to a death in one's family or due to illness. We will do our best to work with you to reschedule your investigation within the next four months.
  • Do you book more than one investigation during the night?
    No, we only book one team for each night. Our booking systems help ensure we don’t overbook.
  • Is smoking allowed?
    No smoking or vaping in the Home or outbuildings. We allow it only on the back porch, or in the yard, or in your vehicle.
  • How should we dress?
    Dress warmly, or for weather conditions on your selected night. Weather permitting, you may also be investigating the 2 cemeteries, and outbuildings, on the property. The Hall only has (1) Heat source in the Dining room, and (2) AC units, one in the dining room and one upstairs in a bedroom.
  • Is Octagon Hall handicapped accessible?
    No, The Octagon Hall has stairs at the outside entrances and 2 sets inside. Walking is required as you move through the Hall and property, so anyone with severe mobility issues may not wish to attend.
  • Is there an age restriction on investigators?
    Yes, the Minimum age requirement is, 18 years old. No Exceptions!
  • Will we have to fill out a waiver?
    Yes, you and each team member must read it and sign it on the day of your investigation, before we give you a tour.
  • Is there parking?
    Yes, we will tell you where to park when you arrive.
  • When should we arrive?
    Your investigation starts at 3:00 PM If you can’t make your start time, please contact us, in advance so we can arrange a person to meet you at the Octagon Hall Museum at your estimated time of arrival so someone is there to greet you and give you access to the property and the home.
  • Can I hold a for-profit event at the Octagon Hall Museum?
    Yes but you first must contact us so we may discuss the rate that we will charge you for your event and discuss how many tickets you are planning on selling for this event, Please do not book this type of event online through our booking system. After we discuss your event, we will book it for you


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Octagon Hall
6040 Bowling Green Rd,
Franklin, KY 42134
Phone: (270) 266-1294


Connect with us!
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Wednesday - Saturday
9 AM - 3:00 PM CDT

(Last tour starts at 2:30 PM CDT)
Closed Major Holidays



Closed for the Winter
Paranormal Investigations Still Available 

Octagon Hall Museum is located in Central Standard Time (CDT). Unless otherwise noted, all operating hours and event times listed are CDT. Last tour will be sold 30 minutes before closing.


There may be times when The Octagon Hall Museum may have to be closed due to staffing issues, for Illness, or medical appointments, or weather conditions. These are rare, but you may wish to call first to ensure we will be open on your arrival.


For large groups of over 10 people, please contact us in advance so we can ensure that we have proper staffing for your visit​

© Octagon Hall Foundation, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.                 

Site Designed by: A Creative Means Designs

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